The Best Way to Automate Adding Dates and Hyperlinks to Your Digital Planner

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You can automate dating and linking a digital planner a few of ways, one is the a one time fee tool PDF LinkR. The only other software I’ve seen that does this has a monthly fee (Planify Pro). The final way I use is the import feature of Affinity Publisher.

You know I’m all about free, low cost and one-time fee software to make and sell your digital planner. And the software I’m talking about today is one of those amazing tools!

If your like me adding all the dates and hyperlinks to your planner is a long tedious process. It drives me nuts… the fun part is making it pretty and functional.

I’ve been playing with a new tool that is flipping amazing!

This tool can make planner creation sooo much easier you can add dates in a flash, and adding hyperlinks is a breeze!.

What if you could:

  • Import all the dates with an automation in KeyNote
  • Hyperlink all the dates and any icon you wanted with the click of a button
  • Add Google Calendar links in a blink of an eye or…
  • Add Apple Calendar links just by clicking a button


In the past I have taught how to do the data import of dates using Affinity Publisher, and this is still an option. But PDF LinkR allows you to import the dates in KeyNote and it can add hyperlinks for any digital planner pdf, regardless of the creation tool including Affinity Publisher, KeyNote, PowerPoint, Canva, and Google Slides.

Adding Dates To a Digital Planner

Automate Dating and Linking a Digital Planner

Adding Dates To A Digital Planner Using PDF LinkR

PDF LinkR let’s you easily add dates to your KeyNote Planner. So refreshing right?

You can create a single template in KeyNote add a text field at the top for the date and it will automatically duplicate the pages and add all the dates!

Now Camilla the creator has the biggest heart. She has created some great videos on her YouTube channel. Check out her video on adding daily page and dates here:

With this awesome tool the CSV’s are created and the pages are dated in just minutes. No more hours and sometimes days to add the dates to a daily dated planner.

Can you just picture the hours saved?

Adding Hyperlinks to Your Digital Planner Using PDF LinkR

Adding Hyperlinks to Your Digital Planner

Gone are the days of adding hyperlinks manually. Now that all the dated daily pages are in the planner, ya want to add the hyperlinks. With PDF LinkR you can add the hyperlinks to any digital planner PDF.

There is a caveat… this won’t work for planners you plan on selling as PLR. The hyperlinks are added to the PDF, they aren’t added to original planner file.

This really speeds up the hyperlinking! You can hyperlink all the dates, including the mini calendars on the year-at-a-glance calendar, the daily, the weekly, and any special icon hyperlinks in a flash.

Camilla shows us the basics in the following video:

This process saves hours, and makes adding the hyperlinks quickly. Once you are setup, and learn the tool, adding the dates and hyperlinks takes a little over an hour.

How long do you spend adding dates and hyperlinks to your planner manually? I know in my part-time hours it could take me over a week to finish this process.

Adding Apple Calendar and Google Calendar Links Automatically Using PDF LinkR

Adding Apple Calendar and Google Calendar Links Automatically

Linking digital planners to Google is all the rage, but it takes hours right?

With PDF LinkR it takes no time at all! Camilla has set us up for success with this tool. You can add links to the date, or to a specific time on a daily calendar. The is no limit!

I do love linking Google Calendar because I time block in my digital planner and then add those blocks to my Google Calendar. It helps keep my scattered brain organized to have the little alerts go off.

Take a look at this video on how easy it is to add these links!

Can you believe in a little over 7 minutes she added all those links?

It just blows my mind! I just love this tool.

What You Should Know About PDF LinkR

What You Should Know

So I’ve given you all the love I have about this program. It really makes dating and linking a digital planner so much easier and quicker. Camilla the creator really makes a community around her software. She gives her heart to her community and she is an amazing lady…

But you should know there is a big learning curve to the software and using it requires watching the videos to know exactly how to use it. (In my case I have to watch the video every time to complete tasks) It is not user friendly yet.

You can check out all her YouTube videos to see if you understand how to use the program and its something you want to try.

I did meet with her and we talked about how she could make some improvements to the software so that it makes it easier for the user.

I love the software! And I will be making some videos of my own that include PDF guides that show step by step how to complete each process to make a fully functional digital planner in hours instead of days.

But I wouldn’t feel right about pumping up the program without sharing this because often tech is scary and I don’t want you to buy and not use it.

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Automate Dating and Linking a Digital Planner
Automate Dating and Linking a Digital Planner
Automate Dating and Linking a Digital Planner

Affiliate Disclaimer

Disclaimer: Links on this site maybe affiliates links. This means I may get a commission if you choose to purchase after clicking my link. I only share software, tools and templates that I personally use and love.

**This post contains an affiliate link for a tool I truly love and support. If you choose to purchase from the link I will make a commission. BUT it’s an awesome tool, and I only recommend it because it works!

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